Friday, June 1, 2012

Journal 2

What I like and don't like about my home country?

I like my country because I was born and grew up there. In my country also there my family and my friends I enjoy my self when I communicate with them, also we have a good memories. I like the winter in my country because it's nice to makecamping with my family or my friends, but in the summer it's so hot, I sometimes 
hate go out of my house.

What would I change if I could?

In the last years the reputation of my country is bad. All the news are talking hatred about it and Islam and I think the people believe what they are watching in the news. I really want to make some people change their idea about my country. Its really hard to see people having a wrong idea about you. Now its kind of getting better because the government of Saudi Arabia is sending student with scholarship over seas. And this is very good, it will make Saudis communicate with different nationalities. Thats all what I would like to change about my country. I want all people around the world know that we are normal people. We can communicate with all kinds of people. We do not look to the race or religion of the person.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Journal 1

What i like and i don't like in America

      What I like about studying and living in America is the education is very good, another thing I like is for me to be here in America that means that I have to learn another language which is English. I always like to get my self in new culture, new people, and new traditions.
So I like being here in America. The things I don”t like here in America are Tax, for away from home country, And so cold in the winter. I didn't find anything I would change.